About Us


Our Mission

While the world becomes smaller, we often feel out of touch with the people around us. Seek & Explore is in the constant pursuit of knowledge in through memorable vacations. We believe that travel is necessary to enrich your life and that there are few experiences more empowering than seeing other cultures and sights that surround us. Now more than ever, the world needs travel and tourism once again.

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Robert Borzillo

From a very early age, I was always fascinated and intrigued about the world beyond my neighborhood. My prized possession was a Children’s Atlas that sparked my curiosity to travel far and wide.

After graduating from university and spending several years in technology sales, I set off on an around-the-world adventure that spanned 6 continents, 32 countries over the course of 49 weeks. I returned with a greater sense of appreciation of the welcoming cultures and the awe-inspiring wonders that abound.

With my extensive experiences, I then set out to professionally expand my knowledge of the luxury travel industry by joining notable suppliers. Through that professional learning, I then founded my own agency and I now want to share what I have seen, accomplished, and learned with as many people as possible.

Seek adventure & Explore the world


“Once a year, go someplace you've never before.”

- Dalai Lama